• Sunday - Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm (New York time)

Found 210 cars

Vehicle history report

Every vehicle we offer includes a complimentary CarFax history report, providing you with a detailed overview of the car's maintenance history, previous ownership, and other relevant details. Additionally, we guarantee that all our vehicles are accident-free.

Dealership inspection

All our vehicles are sourced exclusively from Mercedes dealerships, not from individual owners, ensuring that each car meets the stringent quality and reliability standards upheld by Mercedes dealership inspections.


Browse listing and reserve a car

Select your vehicle from our exclusive listing of certified Mercedes and reserve it through our website. 

Review and sign documents

Review vehicle documents and provide necessary documents to register the vehicle under your name and sign paperwork 

Complete payment and gain ownership

Pay for the car via a local bank transfer or choose to pay via escrow (fees apply) when car arrives at your port of choice

Receive your car in under 30 days

Car is delivered to your port typically within 30 days or receiving payment and signed paperwork

Are you an auto dealer?

We offer competitive prices and full end-to-end service for bulk purchases.